We are seriously committed to being the experts you can always rely on!
CEO Zpire Ltd
Zpire is a consultancy company providing specialized environmental services in Norway and abroad.
Zpire constantly delivers high quality services with integrity, commitment and excellence.
Zpire is working to consistantly deliver an unmatched level of service to our customers.
Zpire Ltd is a British-registered company with a Norwegian-registered branch in Lillestrøm. We operate office premises and simple laboratory facilities in Norway. Advanced laboratory analyzes are carried out at the laboratory in Germany.
For over 20 years we have had a professional collaboration with IAF Radioökologie GmbH, a German laboratory which is among the world's leaders in radioactivity analyses. Together with IAF, we can deliver accredited analyses of most natural and artificial radionuclides in water, foodstuffs, biota, sediments and solid matter.
We also help several of our customers with simultaneous analysis of other parameters such as content of TOC, heavy metals and more.
Zpire has roots back to the environmental technology company Yera AS (1999) and the NORM company Norse Decom AS (2001).
Norse Decom AS is a spin-off from IFE (Institute of Energy Technology) at Kjeller, Norway. The company was established to develop NORM services aimed at the emerging offshore decommissioning market.
IFE was the main owner from 2001-2015.
Later, the businesses in these companies were merged and continued under the name Zpire.
Zpire is the sole supplier of radioactivity analyzes from IAF RADIOÖKOLOGIE GmbH in Scandinavia
- Accredited analyses
- Low detection limit
- Fast delivery
- Competitive prices
- All radionuclides
- All sample materials
Anita is administrative manager of the company. She has a PhD in environmental toxicology and a background as a researcher in the oil industry, an environmental consultant and a business entrepreneur.
Email: anita.varskog@zpire.no
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/anitavarskog
Per is the academic manager and a senior advisor of the company. He has a PhD in environmental chemistry and has a background as a senior researcher and laboratory manager from the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE). Over the past 20 years, Per has established himself as an advisor in the field of NORM and radioactive waste, first with Norse Decom AS (with IFE as the main owner for 14 years), now operating as Zpire Ltd.
Phone: +47 99586460
Epost: per.varskog@zpire.no
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/per-varskog
Validated by Achilles JQS
Achilles JQS is a supplier register and pre-qualification system used by the buyers in the Norwegian and Danish oil and gas sector to manage supplier information and risk within the supply chain as well as to procure efficiently by EU regulations.
ID: 00047158.
Product and Service Code Summary: Decommissioning and Abandonment Consultancy Laboratory Testing Services Waste Management Services
Validated by Magnet JQS
Magnet JQS is a service that supports qualification of suppliers. It manages supplier information and risk in the supply chain, and enables efficient purchasing in accordance with EU regulations, covering most procurement needs.
ID: 2387
Issue date: 26.03.2019
Radiation protection advisor for Repsol Norge AS and BP Norge AS.
Services include:
a. Carrying out internal audits on installations
b. Advise on waste handling and transport
c. NORM measurements
d. Communication with authorities and annual reporting.
Contract (ongoing) for analysis of NORM in produced water for Equinor AS.
Supply of accredited analysis of all kinds of waste and environmental samples through agency agreement/co-operation with IAF Radiokologie GmbH.
On demand: Consultancy and NORM processing services and assessments to the Norwegian Petroleum Industry: operators, oil service companies and authorities.
IAEA Radiation Expert (Per Varskog). Expert participation in international NORM projects, petroleum industry and general.
European NORM Association (Board Member – Per Varskog).
Stangeneset NORM Disposal Site, Gulen. Responsible for design and development of site. Responsible for radiation protection and documentation 2008-2016.
NORM assessments on decommissioning
2000. Assessment of NORM inventory (decommissioning) on Brent Spar, Wood-GMC.
2002. Assessment of NORM inventory (decommissioning) on Maureen Alpha, Phillips UK.
2002 Assessment of NORM inventory (decommissioning) on Frøy jacket
and topside, Total.
2004. Assessment of NORM inventory (decommissioning) on the Frigg field
installations TP1, TCP2 and DP2, Total.
2005. Assessment of NORM inventory (decommissioning) on Gassco H7, ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS.
2006. Assessment of NORM and heavy metal inventory on 13 decommissioned installations on the Ekofisk field: Albuskjell A, Ekofisk 2/4P, Ekofisk 2/4R, Ekofisk 2/4D, Ekofisk 2/7 Cod, Albuskjell F, Edda 2/7C, Ekofisk 2/4P, Ekofisk North Flare, Cod Flare, Albuskjell A Flare, Albuskjell F Flare and Ekofisk Edda Flare, ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS.
2006. Assessment of NORM and heavy metal inventory on Ekofisk 2/4T topside during piecemal decommissioning and disposal at the Vats site, AF Decom AS.
2008. Assessment of NORM inventory on Ekofisk 2/4G, ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS.
2009. Assessment of NORM inventory in 2 installations on INDE field (UK sector).
2009. Assessment of NORM inventory on Ekofisk W and Ekofisk South Flare, ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS.
2013. Assessment of NORM and heavy metals on Snorre A, Equinor.
2014. Assessment of NORM and heavy metals on Huldra, Equinor.
2014. Assessment of NORM and heavy metals on 2/4 FTP, Ekofisk Q and Tor, ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS.
2016. Assessment of NORM andheavy metals on Volve, Equinor.
2020. Radiation Free certificate drilling rig Songa Dee.
2020. Radiation Free certificate drilling rig Polar Pioneer.
2020. Radiation Free certificate drilling rig Transocean Arctic.
2022. Assessment of Radiation and NORM Petrojarl Varg.
NORM assessments – production
2003. Assessment of stored NORM, Statoil.
2003. Assessment of stored NORM, Hydro.
2003. Assessment of stored NORM, Total.
2003. Assessment of stored NORM, BP.
2008. Assessment of stored NORM at Botnaneset, Florø, StatoilHydro.
2008. Assessment of stored NORM at CCB, Sotra, StatoilHydro.
2007-2009. Assessment of "lead scale" from the Statpipe at Kårstø, StatoilHydro.
2008. Assessment of NORM in connection with revision stop at Njord, StatoilHydro.
2007. Assessment of NORM in production equipment on Gyda, Talisman Energy Norge.
2007. Assessment of NORM in production equipment on Heidrun, StatoilHydro.
NORM processing
2011 NORM-decontamination of 16 m3 effluent water, Stangeneset NORM Disposal Site.
2016. NORM-decontamination of 120 m3 effluent water, Norsk Gjenvinning Mongstadbase.
2017 NORM-decontamination of 20 m3 effluent water, Wellconnection Chemtech.
NORM disposal
2001 – 2008. Development of Stangeneset NORM Disposal Site including applications and Environmental Impact Assessment.
2008 – 2016. Responsible for waste receival, radiation protection and documentation, Stangeneset NORM Disposal Site.
NORM HSE – procedures and directives
2001. Development of NORM directive for Elf Norge.
2003. Development of HSE procedures in connection with the piecemal dismantling of Ekofisk 2/4 T topside.
2006 – to date. Development and updating of NORM directive for Repsol Norge (formerly Talisman Norge).
2006 – 2016. Development and updating of NORM directive for Stangeneset NORM Disposal Site.
2012 - 2013. Development of NORM procedures in connection with tube handling on Borgland Dolphin.
2016. Development of NORM procedure for Deep Ocean.
2009. Development of NORM directive for AF Decom AS.
NORM studies
2016. Report “Assessment of disposal options for Pb-210 bearing NORM waste at Orka site, Iceland”. Orka, Island.
2014. Study and report “Flocculation of black dust suspensions”. Equinor.
2014. Study and report “Assessment of radium and radium progeny in samples from the Norwegian produced water monitoring program”. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association.
2014 Study and report “Measurement and classification of NORM using handheld instruments”. Equinor.
2012. Study and report “Immobilisation of Black Dust by molding with the geopolymer ToxLock®”. Equinor.
2012. Study and report “Radioactive non-equilibrium in produced water” Norwegian Oil and Gas Association.
2009. Report “Survey of radioactive waste from the petroleum industry (in Norway), Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority.
2005. Report on “NORM Management in the Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry”. JGC Corporation, Japan.
2003. Report “Naturally occurring radionuclides in the marine environment – an overview of current knowledge with emphasis on the North Sea area”. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) NORM Missions
2013. Expert contribution in NORM workshop, IAEA Qatar.
2014. Expert contribution in NORM workshop, IAEA Abu Dhabi.
2014. Expert contribution in NORM workshop, IAEA Jordan.
2014. Expert contribution in NORM workshop, IAEA Abu Dhabi.
2014. Expert contribution in NORM workshop, IAEA Bahrain.
2014. Expert contribution in NORM workshop, IAEA Abu Dhabi.
2017. Expert contribution in NORM workshop, IAEA Abu Dhabi.
2018. Expert contribution in NORM workshop, IAEA Oman.
2019. Expert contribution in NORM workshop, IAEA Qatar.
2017 – to date. Participation in the IAEA Environet NORM waste group.
Other studies
2000. Biodegradation data for a selection of produced water components. Statoil.
2000. In charge of statistical experimental designs for studies of uptake and elimination of petroleum components in marine organisms. Statoil.
2000. Development of QSARs (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships) for bioaccumulation properties of phenols and PAHs. Norsk Hydro Research Centre. Contribution to the DREAM-project.
1999. Development of the environmental database PEARLS. Yera AS.
1999. Development of MERMAID (Marine Environmental Risk Model and Information Database). Yera AS.
1999. Assessment of the infrastructure, discharges, environmental monitoring surveys and environmental technology in the Troll-area. Norsk Hydro.
1999. Troll Vest environmental impact assessment. Norsk Hydro.
1998. Environmental risk assessment of naphthenic acids in produced water from Heidrun. Statoil.
1998. Responsibility for the regional impact of regular discharges to the North Sea from the petroleum industry.
1998. Development of an environmental monitoring program of a marine electrode installation. Statnett.
1998. Development of a model for dispersal and environmental risk of discharges in coastal regions. Scandpower.
1998. Environmental risk analyses in the Tampen-region by use of the DREAM-model. Statoil.
1998. In charge of a total environmental account project involving discharges to water and air, ecological modeling and risk assessment of produced water discharges in the Tampen-region. Statoil.
1998. Contribution to the AMOS-model by Sintef. (Advanced Management of Oil Spills).
1997-1998. The expose, dose and effects task force of the DREAM-project (Dose-related Risk and Effect Assessment Model). Joint Venture: Statoil, Agip, Elf, Norsk Hydro. Subcontractors: TNO, ECB, Sintef, Allforsk.
1997-1998. Data quality assurance for the task force on aquatic hazard assessment II of ECETOC (European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals).
1997. Environmental impact assessment for Troll Oljerør II. Statoil.
1997. Environmental impact assessment for Gullfaks satelitter. Statoil.
1997. Environmental impact assessment for Statfjord satelitter. Statoil.
1997. Environmental impact assessment for Tyrihans. Statoil.
1997. Regional impact assessment for the Norwegian Sea. Statoil.
1997. Assessment of the environmental consequences of regular discharges to the sea in the Haltenbanken-area. Statoil.
1995-1996. Establishing the laboratory for marine ecotoxicology at the Statoil Research Centre, Trondheim.
1996. Environmental, health and safety dossier on health effects and ecotoxicology of benzene. Statoil contribution to ECETOC ((European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals).
1996. Environmental, health and safety dossier on health effects and ecotoxicology of phenol. Statoil contribution to ECETOC ((European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals).
1995. Studies of the effects of oil on marine organisms with particular reference to first feeding of fish larvae. Statoil and Institute for Marine Research.
1993-1996. In charge of the environmental impact assessments of refinery effluents at Statoil Mongstad.
1994. Field and laboratory experiments of toxicity of different oils on marine organisms. AKUP-project. Statoil, Institute of Marine Research and Norwegian Polar Institute.
1993. Field and laboratory experiments of toxicity of different oils on marine organisms. AKUP-project. Statoil, Institute of Marine Research and Norwegian Polar Institute.
1992. Toxicity and degradability of the aromatic fraction of North Sea produced water, Statoil.
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